Wednesday 3 December 2008

Important Information Missed out

One piece of hightly important information was missed to the end of this blog, of course it is that of the final epic two month Uno result. You will understand why it was missed off by Loz when you read it.

Parks - 11659 v Lozza - 15132

I think you all might agree he took quite a hiding. Never mind son enjoy the cold!

Monday 1 December 2008

Monday 1st December

I would just like to begin, quite reluctantly, by announcing that today, the 1st of December 2008, will now be, the last EVER blog day. With my departure tomorrow; and Parksy’s world renowned laziness, it is time to draw this 3 month work of genius to a close. And what have we learnt my friends? Well, firstly, that Africa is a place unlike any we’ve both experienced. Both hot and amazingly beautiful, Sierra Leone is home to some of the most genuinely wonderful people we’ve ever met. Yet at the same time, torn apart by a rebel war which has left its mark on both the people and the country itself, we both wonder if there is a solution, complex or simple, to Sierra Leone’s many problems. On a personal level we’ve learnt something even MORE vital. The truth irritating young Southern fairy lad (loz)- supporter of the godly United, CAN co-exist with that older wiser northern money Parksy from Boro – supporter of Boro.....of course.
It’s been a blast, we’ve loved it, both surreal and sensational; Sierra Leone (Take 1) has been an experience that we’ll both remember for years to come.
67 schools and countless churches visited, 3 months down, in YOUR face Dunc, Parksy and Loz over.....and out.

Sunday 30th November

Something to do with church......then the Bishop took us to a Party......

Saturday 29th November

This Saturday, we’d both decided (in the usual laddish Saturday spirit) that we’d play some football. However, unfortunately, neither of us had taken into account the fact that we are, both, ridiculously lazy. We woke, tired and in no state of mind to play such a game, thoroughly hoping that Pah Jalloh wouldn’t turn up......he didn’t. After dancing (that’s a lie we were too lazy) and praising Jesus for a while due to the fact that he’d answered our hasty prayers; we set about sorting out all things technological: i.e. the blog and our vast accumulation of pictures (don’t worry you’ll all see them when we get back.) And after this it was off to CAS Travel to sort out my helicopter ticket for Tuesday, (that’s right folks, due to various financial “difficulties” i.e. bankruptcy, I’m deserting poor Parksy a week early, sorry about that, and that’s right mum, I did say helicopter.....don’t worry it’s relatively safe.....relatively...haha)
After CAS travel we sped off to Mama Sue’s for a final gritty African meal, even meeting the legendary “Big Muma” herself, before heading off to Lumli beach.....for a swim and some eagerly anticipated Frisbee action! Needless to say, after nearly 3 months it was a brilliant, yet sad occasion to be hitting Lumli for the last time. And after successfully losing a few Frisbees, due to Parksy’s erratic throwing, we were off home. Once there we decided it was only right to toast the occasion with the consumption of recently acquired pound wine. And so, in anticipation of a slightly lengthy dedication service the next day, we drank a little...then drank some more. And suddenly, everything was right in the world.