Wednesday 8 October 2008

Tuesday 7th October

There were two things on the agenda for today, Duncan to work on the machines in the Bishop’s office and to visit Bishop Johnson’s Memorial School. We spent the morning in the office with Parks and Loz doing some reports, or more likely, messing around on the internet (just kidding chaps) and Duncan working on the machine’s there (no one ever wants to use antivirus over here!).

While some antivirus was downloading (the download speeds in Sierra Leone are slightly better than the old dial up) we went for lunch over at the seafarer’s. Eunice had prepared us some green stuff and rice, it was surprisingly pleasant. It also had some chicken and fish in. Certainly not bad for 80p!

After lunch we went over to Bishop Johnson Memorial School. It is just the other side of the seafarer’s so we decided not to take the car for the 30 seconds walk, doing our bit for the environment! They have a visit from Holy Trinity School in Sussex beginning on Sunday so that was the main point of discussion. Twelve 16-18 year olds will be visiting Freetown for 10 days and by the sounds of things they have a pretty busy agenda. This visit has been happening for the past 5 years and there is a very good link between the schools, as some students are travelling in the opposite direction in 2010. Duncan took a look at the 3 machines built in 1824 and possibilities for the future and we headed back to the office.

In the office Duncan completed his work on the machines and they all carried on with their report and the compulsory checking of emails and the stock markets. Around 7 it was dark so we headed back to the house for some food and a few games of Uno before having a very early night.

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