Tuesday 7 October 2008

Wednesday 1st October

We were entertained by a massive storm 1st thing this morning. There were rivers running down the street, terrific to watch from the safety of the balcony. Due to the end of Ramadan today is pray day and so was a public holiday which meant most places were shut. We took the opportunity in the morning to catch up with some paperwork.

In the afternoon we decided that we would make our way over to the complex next door in our compound called Seafarer’s. It is a complex with a cafe and bar, function room, lounge with sky TV and an internet cafe. It’s always handy to have friends at these kinds of places and it proved to be a fruitful idea as they invited us to the evening’s entertainment.

Later on while Lawrence was napping we had a visit from the Bishop’s daughter Christophina who told us that it was going to be a Variety Show later on so we had to see what was going on. As well as the compulsory dancing on stage and men lip-synching to rap there happened to be a beauty competition on, but of course we only found this out after we’d arrived......... Ahem! Anyway when we got there it was about half full so we went and sat down on the back row. As the night went on and the beauty competition started the room got very busy and for some reason we were surrounded by women.......they’re hands were everywhere!!! We eventually managed to find some solace at the back of the room and it enabled us to throw some shapes in between the contest rounds while the music was playing. As we were shaking some shoulders we were joined by a couple of Leonians who managed to make our lame white man dancing cool! We couldn’t understand what they were saying but they were laughing a lot so we took that as a pop at our dancing. We skulked off to bed with tails between our legs.

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