Saturday 22 November 2008

Friday 14th November

Due to the fact that the Bo Diocesan vehicle is being used over the weekend, we were forced to take a break, have a kit-kat, generally mooching in the Sahara Hotel for most of the day.
After a relaxed morning spent mainly in the relative comfort of the Hotel, we took a leisurely stroll into Bo to visit every-bodies favourite seamster (not stunning Seamstress can dream!) collect some money, before having some lunch worth a mighty £2 each, for 3 drinks and a full meal!
After this we spent the majority of the afternoon relaxing, thoroughly chilled and, before long, the sun was setting and the evening was drawing in. Quickly rushing out to grab some bread and meat skewers, we settled down on our Balcony in the twilight hours to reflect on our time in Sierra Leone, happily munching on our skewers as we did so.

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