Saturday 22 November 2008

Wednesday 12th November

It was about time we got back to doing some real work so we got on board the Green Machine and headed for Moyamba a school that has already been mentioned in this blog. It took us about 4 hours since the roads where bad but we finally arrive. We were greeted by all the children sitting outside and we had a lovely time. We had an opportunity to introduce ourselves which we duly did and they did some cultural dancing for us. It is great to see them as young as 5 dancing around in cultural dress. After this we headed back to the Guest House for some lunch and a relaxing afternoon. In the evening all the teachers came to share a meal with us. It was a shared plate of Cassava Leaf. It was a lovely meal; we in true English fashion used spoons while the local’s dag in with the hands. It really is a sight worth seeing.

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