Saturday 29 November 2008

Tuesday 25th November

Our first day in Bonthe was relaxing to say the least. After the “epic” journeying the day before, we woke late to the smell of our gloriously scabby mattress (yum,) before wandering off on our personal guided tour of the island itself. During the day we travelled the length and breadth of the island, visiting the local tourist resort in the morning (where we solved our drinking water shortage problem......we were duped into buying tap water by this local road-salesman on Monday......the swine....and he over-charged,) before spending some time working in the local Anglican Primary school. After lunch we visited the local derelict church and met some of the town elders. After this we moved onto more important matters, we HAD TO, taste the local, fabled, duvui.....
It may look slightly very like some sort of specimen at a fertility clinic, but this version of palm wine tastes magical!
After some duvui, we moved onto the Canon’s balcony for some more duvui. The latter moments of the day were spent walking to the town’s northern perimeter where we encountered an old American commercial plane wreck. Here it was, of course, necessary for us to climb into the cock-pit to take pictures of us pretending to fly the monster, very necessary we thought. After this we settled down on the Canon’s balcony once more for some more of the fabled juice before retiring to our home to spend some time with the family and kids. Night closed in, and we hit thou scabby mattress hard.

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